Bush basher
Last night I visited Doreen Simpson's house. She's an older single woman who let me stay at her house before I had a place to live. She's very personable and pleasant, but I couldn't stay long because I had to take the bus to institute. Anyway, I was feeling the uplifted, cheery feeling you get when you've had a pleasant visit with someone and you're on your way to institute. As I approached the bus stop this man who was also waiting for the bus asked me, "why are you so happy?" Golden missionary opportunity, right? Actually no, not at all. The man was stinkin' drunk. I tried to blow him off, but when he heard my American accent he thought I needed to be enlightened on Bush's foreign policy. He's about the tenth person who's tried to enlighten me since I got here, but the first drunk one. Oh well, when you're in a very good mood not even a drunk America basher can ruin it for you.